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pricision optical projector fisheye lens
Specification: Total length of the projector lens is 109.2mm,external diameter
Detail: Fisheye lens is a wide-angle lens that takes in an extremely wide, hemispherical image.The focal lengths of fisheye lenses depend on the film format.Fisheye lenses achieve extremely wide angles of view by forgoing a rectilinea...
optical fisheye lens for cameara
Specification: *37mm 0.42X fisheye lens
Detail: Fisheye lens distorts straight lines into ridiculous curves. Straight lines, depending on where they are in the photo can be pulled a lot, a little, or not at all. The farther they are from the the center line of the photo, th...
professional optical wide angle lens
Specification: 25mm 0.45X wide angle lens
Detail: Wide angle lenses are great for capturing the expanse of a mountain view, or for giving one an appreciation of the entirety of an organism's habitate. Specification of our wide angle lens as follow: 25mm 0.45X wide angle le...
camera optical telephoto lens
Specification: *37mm 2.5X and 3.0X telephoto lens
Detail: Telephoto lens has a narrower angle of view,it thus gives apparent magnification to objects,it also seems to compress distant things, and there is less depth of field. The most obvious is to allow photographs of distant organi...
various kinds of star filter
Specification: Star filter is one of camera filters,as the center of light emit
Detail: Star filter is one of camera filters,as the center of light emitting,include 2 lines,4 lines,6 lines,8 lines,16 lines... Star filters turn point light sources and specular highlights into stars. Commonly seen star filters can...
oem optical lens cap/lens cover
Specification: The lens caps are fit for Canon,Nikon,Olympus,JVC,Kadak,Fuji,Cas
Detail: A lens cover or lens cap provides protection from scratches and minor collisions for camera and camcorder lenses. Lens covers come standard with most cameras and lenses. Some mobile camera phones include lens covers, such as t...
optical lens hood/lens shade for camera
Specification: All lens hoods are fit for Canon,Nikon,Olympus,JVC,Kadak,Fuji,Ca
Detail: In photography, a lens hood or lens shade is a device used on the end of a lens to block the sun or other light source in order to prevent glare and lens flare. The geometry of the lens hood can vary from a plain cylindrical ...
widely used optical litao3 crystal lens
Specification: Transparent:0.4-5.0µm
Detail: LiTaO3 crystal lens is also widely used E-O crystal. Main properities of LiTaO3 lens include: Tran***rent:0.4-5.0µm E-O Coefficient:r33=30.4 Refractive Indices:no=2.716,ne=2.180 at 633nm 1) Diameter:76.2mm,50mm 2) Orien...
bk7 grade optical glass beamsplitter
Specification: *Material BK7 glass or UV grade fused silica
Detail: Beamsplitter Cube is a more sophisticated type consisting of two right- angle prisms cemented together at their hypotenuse faces. The cemented face of one prism is coated. Before cementing, with a metallic or dielectric layer ...
optical pyramid prism with coating
Specification: *Material BK7
Detail: Corner Cube Retroreflector is always used to reflect the beam entering the prism face, regardless of its orientation to the beam. Corner cubes are widely used where precision alignment is difficult. Specification of our Pyram...
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